How to extend your life

I recently met a 79-year-old man who has been doing yoga consistently throughout his life, visits an ashram in India twice a year and doesn’t look a day over 60!

It was a wild experience; talking to him, and really listening to what he had to say about how he maintains his youth inside and out. I made a point to look him in the eyes the entire conversation… I was drawn in… because you rarely meet someone with such a clear and clean bill of health. He is proof that taking quality care of your body can extend your life.

How to extend your life

This fine gentleman has moved his body on a daily basis for the majority of his life, and I could just see and feel his vitality. He lives it. The conversation I had with him has stuck with me. Move your body each day. I love to move. It brings me back to center. I can feel the endorphins about 5 minutes in and know the act of arriving and the first 5 minutes in, are by far, the most challenging. But once I’m in the zone, I can feel the physical and mental unwinding. My mind clears and I can release some of the tension this mama of 2 is hanging on to. The battle always lives in the time it takes us to decide to get up and get it done; we all go through it. Keep reminding yourself what’s on the other side of the push and stay mindful of the type of movement your body needs. A walk, run, a tough class; whatever the case. Check-in and move through it.